E-Board Interviews
Sign up HERE if you would like to interview on Sunday, April 11th for SBMA’s E-Board for the Fall 2021 Semester.
The different positions we need fill include:.
Director of Professional Development
Director of Events and Projects
Director of Mentorship
Director of Business Relations
Director of Finance
Director of Member Engagement
Committee Member
See below for more information on what to expect during your interview.
The description for the positions are as follows:
Director of Professional Development
The Director of Professional Development oversees the professional growth of individual members and committee members. The Director of Development is expected to set a high standard of professionalism, in addition to consulting with members regarding interviews, job opportunities, and resumes.
Director of Events and Projects:
The Director of Events and Projects is responsible for the overall flow of each SBMA event. The Director of Events and Projects is expected to delegate responsibilities at Employer/Professional Development Nights, plan/encourage attendance at social events, and coordinate logistics with employers and food service.
Director of Mentorship:
The Director of Mentorship divides SBMA members into their respective mentorship groups. By providing mentorship groups, members are able to learn and grow alongside one another. The Director of Mentorship is expected to encourage regular interaction with mentees, and to promote inclusivity within SBMA.
Director of Business Relations:
The Director of Business Relations combines their networking and creative skills to effectively connect with professional contacts. The Director of Business Relations regularly prospects different companies/industries that may peak the interest of SBMA members.
Director of Finance:
The Director of Finance oversees the financial aspects of the organization. This includes but is not limited to, tracking member attendance, promoting active membership, and staying up to date on all financial documents.
Director of Member Engagement:
The Director of Member Engagement facilitates communication with members and alumni. The Director of Member Engagement regularly recruits new members, sends timely information via newsletter, and updates the website.
Committee Member:
The committee member role is designed to assist the entire executive board. They must fill any necessary duties to ensure smooth operation of the organization. The amount of committee members is entirely up to the President and Vice President. They may be added or removed at any time during the semester based on a majorities rule vote by the executive board. Committee members should be selected with the intent of filling Executive Board positions after any members graduate, however they must interview for the open spot.
What to Expect During Your Interview:
Director Positions:
Please be prepared to share a slide deck in your interview and copies of your resume. Additionally, bring questions you have for the board members and fresh ideas on how you intend to improve the position.
Committee Member:
Please bring your resume and qualifications, an idea of what director position you would like to learn more about in the future, and ideas you have to help improve the organization.
Two areas of improvement for SBMA are:
Intimidation Factor and Diversity
Intimidation Factor:
SBMA is looking to improve the disconnect between the E-Board and General Members. We have found that many General Members are intimidated by different aspects of SBMA, and we are looking to have a more inclusive environment and culture, which is easier said than done.
SBMA would like to have a more diverse board and would like our membership to be a more accurate representation of all students enrolled at the business college. If you have ideas on how to improve this area of improvement, please bring them to your interview.
If you have ideas on how to improve these two different areas, please be prepared to present your solutions during your board interview.